Dengue - Pakistan

Oct 14, 2022

Dengue - Pakistan

Situation at a glance

Between 1 January and 27 September 2022, a total of 25 932 confirmed dengue cases and 62 deaths (CFR 0.25%) were reported in Pakistan, with 74% of these cases reported in the month of September alone. The current surge in cases follows unprecedented flooding that began in mid-June 2022. With the current flood crisis affecting the national health system capacity and the growing humanitarian situation, there is a high risk of serious health impacts from dengue fever and other concurrent disease outbreaks. High population movement between Pakistan and bordering countries (in particular, Afghanistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran) means that the international transmission of dengue fever cannot be ruled out.

Description of the outbreak

Dengue fever is endemic to Pakistan, which experiences year-round transmission with seasonal peaks. However, triggered by the worst flooding in the country’s history that began in mid-June, the number of reported dengue cases is significantly higher in 2022 (between January and September) as compared to the same period during the four previous years.

Between 1 January to 27 September 2022, according to the National Institute of Health-Islamabad, a cumulative total of 25 932 confirmed dengue cases and 62 deaths have been reported nationally. Three-quarters (74%) of these cases were reported during the month of September alone. As of 22 September, the distribution of cases by province was available for 83% (n=21 777) of the total cases, of which 32% (n=6888) were reported from Sindh, 29% (n=6255) from Punjab (including the Islamabad Capital Territory), 25% (n=5506) from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and 14% (n=3128) from Balochistan (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Distribution of confirmed dengue cases in Pakistan by province, 1 January to 22 September 2022.