Climate change to cause dengue outbreaks in non-vulnerable high-altitude areas: Study

Pakistan Today
Nov 27, 2022

Climate change to cause dengue outbreaks in non-vulnerable high-altitude areas: Study

Pakistan after receiving massive manifestations of spiking up global warming, the environmental degradation and shift in monsoon weather pattern and increased temperatures would face spread of dengue outbreaks in non-vulnerable high-altitude areas.

A study carried out by the scientists and experts from the Global Change Impact Studies Centre (GCISC), Health Services Academy (HSA) and National Institute of Health (NIH) titled “Modelling the impact of climate change on dengue outbreaks and future spatiotemporal shift in Pakistan” discussed significant impacts of climate change on the intensity and spread of dengue outbreaks.

The research got published in a leading environmental and health journal Environmental Geochemistry and Health.