Are kids getting routine vaccines? Progress has 'stalled' yet there is some good news

Jul 18, 2024

Are kids getting routine vaccines? Progress has 'stalled' yet there is some good news

Childhood vaccination rates took a real hit during the pandemic. More than 25 million kids missed at least one vaccination in 2021 alone, and vaccination rates dropped in over 100 countries.

There’s been a push to get back on track. But a new report out this week from the World Health Organization and UNICEF shows progress has stalled – although there is a bit of good news too.

Here’s a look at the details.

Here's how we measure progress (or the lack thereof)

There is one vaccine – DTP or the diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine – that is used as the measure of how well a country does at routine childhood immunizations. In the U.S. 94% of kids get all three doses. Some countries get to 99%. The goal is to have 90% of kids vaccinated worldwide by 2030. But, the latest numbers show that, globally, the rate is stuck at 84%. There’s been no improvement from 2022 to 2023.