An Old Defence Against New Infections: The Open-Air Factor and COVID-19

Jun 20, 2022

An Old Defence Against New Infections: The Open-Air Factor and COVID-19

Outdoors, the risks of transmission of COVID-19 and many other respiratory infections are low. Several environmental factors are known to reduce the viability of viruses and other infectious pathogens in the air. They include variations in temperature, relative humidity, solar ultraviolet radiation, and dilution effects. But one agent that reduces the viability of both viruses and bacteria outdoors, the germicidal open-air factor (OAF), has not been properly recognized for decades. This is despite robust evidence that the OAF can influence both the survival of airborne pathogens and the course of infections.

The germicidal effects of outdoor air were widely exploited during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Firstly, in the treatment of tuberculosis patients who underwent 'open-air therapy' in sanatoria; and secondly by military surgeons during the First World War. They used the same open-air regimen in specially designed hospital wards to disinfect and heal severe wounds among injured soldiers. It was also used on influenza patients during the 1918-19 pandemic. Later, in the 1950s, open-air disinfection and treatment of burns were proposed in the event of nuclear warfare. During the 1960s, the OAF briefly returned to prominence when biodefence scientists conducted experiments proving that open air has a potent germicidal effect. When this work ended in the 1970s, interest in the OAF again fell away, and it remains largely ignored.