Afghanistan: Earthquakes in Herat Province, Health Situation Report No. 13, December 2023

Jan 05, 2024

Afghanistan: Earthquakes in Herat Province, Health Situation Report No. 13, December 2023


Between October 7 and October 15, 2023, three powerful earthquakes, each with magnitudes of 6.8, struck Herat Province, Afghanistan, impacting over 275,000 individuals. Although 85 days have passed since the earthquakes, many survivors and victims still find themselves living in makeshift tents and temporary shelters, with the situation remaining precarious. On December 28, a mild earthquake was reported in Herat Province, further exacerbating the challenges faced by the survivors. Most of these displaced individuals are grappling with various health issues, including trauma and mental health disorders. This vulnerability is particularly heightened for mothers, children, the elderly, and those with comorbidities, especially during the harsh winter season.

