A Timely Response and Vaccination Program Help Bangladesh Contain the COVID-19 Pandemic

The World Bank
Aug 07, 2022

A Timely Response and Vaccination Program Help Bangladesh Contain the COVID-19 Pandemic

Like the rest of the world, Bangladesh was also heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the country has faced challenges in procuring essential supplies with a severely constrained global supply chain. The success of the country in coping with this unprecedented crisis depended on how quickly it could mobilize essential medical supplies. So, how did the government manage?  

Emergency support to manage COVID-19 cases

The World Bank approved emergency financing of $100 million in March 2020 to support the Government’s health response. The financing helped Bangladesh access critical supplies like ventilators, oxygen concentrators, hospital beds, and personal protective equipment (PPE) for the front-line health workers.