WHO urges investments for the scale up of tuberculosis screening and preventive treatment

Mar 18, 2024

WHO urges investments for the scale up of tuberculosis screening and preventive treatment

Ahead of World Tuberculosis (TB) Day, which is marked on 24 March, WHO has released an investment case for TB screening and preventive treatment. A modelling study developed with Governments of four countries - Brazil, Georgia, Kenya and South Africa - highlights the impact to be achieved from expanding TB screening and preventive treatment.

The analysis shows that modest investments could lead to significant health and economic benefits in all four countries, with a return on investment up to US$ 39 gained for every dollar invested. The investment case has been released to support countries in advocating for and allocating increased resources to scale-up TB screening and preventive treatment towards reaching new targets committed by Heads of State at the 2023 UN High-Level Meeting on TB. 

