Severe flooding in Afghanistan escalates humanitarian needs

May 16, 2024

Severe flooding in Afghanistan escalates humanitarian needs

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is scaling up an emergency response to deal with the latest series of deadly floods in Afghanistan which have exacerbated an already dire humanitarian situation.  

Unusually heavy spring rains and floods have killed hundreds and destroyed thousands of homes and livestock. Over half of Afghanistan, 25 out of 34 provinces, has been affected, with Baghlan province alone suffering over 200 fatalities so far. Thousands of displaced people have no homes to return to after their houses were swept away. 

Volunteers of the ARCS were among the first responders on the scene, supporting rescue efforts, bringing men, women and children to safer locations. They’ve also been providing hot meals and sleeping items to those fleeing the deluge. The IFRC, working hand in hand with the Afghan Red Crescent Society (ARCS), has mobilized additional relief goods from the capital.